Jl. Kedondong No. 1A, RT.11/RW.9, Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220

Telp: +6221 388-590-01
WhatsApp: +62 899-3300-033
WhatsApp SNI: +62 857-7042-1713

Opening : Mon – Fri, 8:00 – 16:00

SDPPI Certification Agency, Type Approval and SNI Certfication Agency by PT. Cerapproval

Category: Uncategorized

  • SDPPI Telecommunication Tool and Device Certificate Fee

    SDPPI Telecommunication Tool and Device Certificate Fee

    To be valid for trade, every SDPPI Telecommunication Tool and Device assembled, produced, or imported for distribution in Indonesia must undergo a certification test for tools and equipment, obtaining an SDPPI certificate. Also Read : The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified There are several ways to obtain SDPPI certificates, with prices varying according to the certification requirements of the device. The required fees include: Descriptions Fees Certification using Test report issued within the country Rp 7.000.000,- Change or revise the certificate Rp 7.000.000,- Replacement certificate for the lost certificate Rp 7.000.000,- Certification using foreign

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  • The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified

    The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified

    In this modern era, every human activity is closely related to telecommunications tools and devices. There are various types and brands of Telecommunications Device in Indonesia that have been marketed. However, many of these devices have not been certified and are therefore illegal to be used by the public. Also Read : Reference in Carrying out Testing of Telecommunications Tools or Devices Continuing to market and use the device publicly will have an impact on the surrounding network. According to Ismail, Spectrum uses radio frequency, which is not an appropriate allotment, and telecommunication devices that are not certified can be

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  • Reference in Carrying out Testing of Telecommunications Tools or Devices

    Reference in Carrying out Testing of Telecommunications Tools or Devices

    In carrying out testing of telecommunications tools and devices, refer to: Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika Reference testing devices telecommunication Radio Frequency Testing (RF), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and SafetySo that the device works fine and is safe to use. Also Read : What must be filled in the Certification Form PM 5 Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) helping consumers choose safe and quality products International Reference Like : ISO, ETSI, RR, ITU, IEC International organizations that manage and make decisions about standardization device regulation, radio international, and telecommunications The following is an understanding and explanation of the

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  • Announcement of SDPPI Service Counter Issue

    Announcement of SDPPI Service Counter Issue

    KOMINFO was informed that the SDPPI service counter was experiencing problems. This issue began on December 28, 2022. It was reported that these disruptions would last until December 30, 2022. Due to this constraint, the SDPPI website cannot be accessed. Website willcan be accessed again on 02 January 2023. The problem at the SDPPI service counter occurred in connection with the relocation of the service counter office from the Wisma Antara Building to the Menara Danareksa Building. For more detailed information regarding SDDPi website interference problems, you can check out: PelayananFrekuensi for Instagram and Tiktok; Pelayanan Frekuensi for Youtube and

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  • What must be filled in the Certification Form PM 5

    What must be filled in the Certification Form PM 5

    Before applying for Postel certification, either using local testing or paperwork, the applicant must attach Form PM 5. The service company will send a Certification Request file to the equipment company, requesting them to fill in the information data for the device intended for certification testing. The PM-5 form guides local testing and SDPPI submission. After entering all device data, the certification service sends samples to a testing laboratory. This article provides an explanation of what a certification form is and outlines the information that must be filled in the Certification Form PM-5?  See this article for a further explanation.

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  • Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices

    Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices

    Before trading a device or product in Indonesia, the device needs to undergo Certification at SDPPI and obtain an SDPPI Certificate first. To acquire SDPPI Certification, these devices must pass through three stages of testing: RF Test, Safety Test, and EMC Test. What is the purpose of RF, Safety and EMC testing on Telecommunication Devices? We will discuss in this article. Before trading a device or product in Indonesia, the device needs to undergo Certification at SDPPI and obtain an SDPPI Certificate first. To acquire SDPPI Certification, these devices must pass through three stages of testing: RF Test, Safety Test,

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  • The Importance of Labeling and Warning Sign on the Packaging of Telecommunication Device

    The Importance of Labeling and Warning Sign on the Packaging of Telecommunication Device

    Before telecommunication devices are distributed in Indonesia territory, the box or packaging of the telecommunication device is mandatory to be marked by a label or the warning sign. With the presence of labeling and the warning sign on the box or packaging indicate that the device has passed the certification process in SDPPI, so that the device has been declared legal to be marketed in Indonesia. Otherwise, if the box or packaging on telecommunication devices does not have labeling and warning sign, then the product will be counted as illegal and risk experiencing mass withdrawals because it does not comply

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  • The Difference Between Telecommunication Uncertified & Certified Devices

    The Difference Between Telecommunication Uncertified & Certified Devices

    Currently telecommunication devices are a common device and are commonly used among the community, these telecommunication devices generally use a frequency to be able to operate. However, before telecommunication devices are distributed in Indonesia they are mandatory to be certified. The telecommunications device must be certified at the SDPPI (Pos and Information Technology Resources and Equipment). Make sure the device you want to distribute is certified. But do you know why SDPPI certification is important, and how to differentiate the certified or uncertified devices. For that, on this occasion we will discuss the importance of certified devices and how to

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  • Licensing the Use of All KBLI for the Submission of SDPPI Certificates on the OSS Page

    Licensing the Use of All KBLI for the Submission of SDPPI Certificates on the OSS Page

    In order to be able to issue an SDPPI Postel Certificate, the Applicant who applies for certification must have Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI), and Online Single Submission account. This is because currently to be able to issue an SDPPI Certificate, it is mandatory to have an OSS with the appropriate KBLI. To be able to sell products or devices in Indonesia, currently distributors or other entities can use All KBLI in submitting Telecommunication Equipment Certificates on the OSS Page. The announcement and accessibility of all KBLI for Telecommunication Equipment Certificate applications are on the OSS Page. By being

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  • The Process that Must be Passed to get the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate

    The Process that Must be Passed to get the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate

    The submission and issuance of the KOMINFO SDPPI certificate is a must for Producers, Distributors, Importers, Laboratories, or other Entities wishing to distribute telecommunication products in Indonesia. Telecommunication devices that are required to have Certification include devices that use GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G, Bluetooth, WLAN, NFC, and RFID frequencies. The frequency used for the equipment to be distributed in Indonesia must also be adjusted to the predetermined frequency. The regulation is mandatory for certification in Peraturan Menteri no. 9 Tahun 2019. Steps Through to Get KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia To get the SDPPI Certification, there are several stages that

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