The submission and issuance of the KOMINFO SDPPI certificate is a must for Producers, Distributors, Importers, Laboratories, or other Entities wishing to distribute telecommunication products in Indonesia.
Telecommunication devices that are required to have Certification include devices that use GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G, Bluetooth, WLAN, NFC, and RFID frequencies.
The frequency used for the equipment to be distributed in Indonesia must also be adjusted to the predetermined frequency. The regulation is mandatory for certification in Peraturan Menteri no. 9 Tahun 2019.
Steps Through to Get KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia
To get the SDPPI Certification, there are several stages that must be followed, the following are the steps you need to know:
1. Contacting Cerapproval

To learn about SDPPI Certification in Indonesia, contact Cerapproval for details on the certification process.
Cerapproval is a Type Approval that can assist the certification process in Indonesia.
The application for certification to be issued by Cerapproval is fairly short, namely 4-5 weeks. So you can quickly get the SDPPI Certificate.
Also Read: Information on Changes in the Cerapproval Legal Entity
2. Informing the Product Specifications You Want to be Certified
After consulting or asking further questions with Cerapproval regarding SDPPI certification, you can inform the product you want to be certified.
This stage is important, because at this stage CErapproval can find out the type of frequency used in the product, so that it can estimate the amount of costs incurred for making SDPPI Certification.
3. Make an Offer

Cerapproval itself provides 2 types of agency fee payments that you can choose according to your needs:
Full payment is a type of payment that greatly facilitates the management of SDPPI certification. By using this type of agency fee, the Client does not need to pay invoices one by one at each stage that must be passed to get the Certificate.
a. Full Payment
This is because all payment invoices will be combined into one, so that clients do not have to bother paying each stage of the certification issuance one by one, so that the SDPPI certification process can be carried out quickly without delays in payment.
b. Self Payment
This type of self-payment is a type of payment or invoice that the client makes independently one by one at each stage that must be followed until the certificate issuance process at the end. So by choosing self Payment, the Client must pay each stage of the certification independently.
For payments independently, the Client is expected to attach the Company’s NPWP. The NPWP attached will be used for payments at each stage until the certificate is issued.
4. Sending Products For Testing
If you have a deal with the final price for the submission process until the certification is issued, the next step that the Client needs to do is send the product to be tested to Cerapproval.
Products that have been sent will be checked first by the Technical Specifications division of Cerapproval. This check is carried out to find out whether the product info previously notified is in accordance with the product sent.
After the product is checked, the product will be sent to a test laboratory for testing of product samples.
5. Carrying out the Testing Process on the Product
If the results of the check are correct, the product to be tested will be sent to a certified test laboratory in Indonesia. Product testing to the laboratory aims to obtain a report stating the frequency used for the product being tested is in accordance with the frequency set by the KOMINFO SDPPI.
Cerapproval itself has collaborated with HCT Indonesia, B4T, and Sucofindo which have been accredited as test laboratories. That way the test results from the laboratory can be immediately submitted for SDPPI certification.
Also Read: List of Accredited Overseas Laboratories at SDPPI in 2021
6. Waiting for Testing Process
After the product sample is sent to the test laboratory, it is necessary to wait until the test results come out. Generally, the time for testing product samples until test results come out is generally 3-4 working weeks.
7. Registering Product Sample Results to SDPPI
After the laboratory test results are out, the next step is to register the test results on the SDPPI Postel E-Certification page.
If you have registered the product on the Postel Certification page, the Client can wait until the certification is issued
8. Waiting for Certification Stage Until SDPPI KOMINFO Certification Is Issued
After registering the test results to the SDPPI Postel Certification page, you can wait for the certificate issuance process. Generally, certificate issuance takes 1 week.
The certificate issued will take the form of an E-Certificate, allowing local representatives or the original producer to hold the soft copy.
These are the steps one needs to be aware of in submitting the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia until the certificate is issued. In this process, make sure to use the services of Cerapproval as your Mainstay Type Approval in Indonesia.
Why Should Cerapproval?
Cerapproval itself has been helping for more than 10 years in various SDPPI Certification issuances in Indonesia. So that his experience in managing SDPPI certification is unquestionable.
Cerapproval actively offers local representative services in Indonesia with a distributor license, OSS v2.0, and an API-U import license support.
If you are interested in consulting and utilizing our services, feel free to contact us :