SDPPI: Indonesia-South Korea MRA Strengthens the Telecommunications Industry Through Mutual Recognition of Test Reports
The rapid digital transformation in Indonesia has led to the emergence of various telecommunications devices in the market. To simplify processes and advance the domestic telecommunications industry, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), through the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Informatics (Ditjen SDPPI), is collaborating with South Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) to establish mutual recognition of telecommunications device test results. Advancing the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) Between Indonesia and South Korea From September 23 to 27, 2024, the Directorate of PPI Standardization conducted a working visit to Seoul. The visit focused on
New Technical Regulations for RLAN and WPT on Radio Frequency Spectrum in Indonesia
The Ministry of Communication and Digital is drafting new regulations that will amend the existing Ministerial Regulation No. 2 of 2023 regarding the use of radio frequency spectrum based on class licenses. These changes are intended to align with the latest technological advancements and operational requirements. Key Updates in the Draft Regulation The proposed Ministerial Regulation Draft (RPM) introduces new provisions for the use of radio frequency spectrum, focusing on: Addition of New Frequency Bands: 5925–6425 MHz: For Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) devices based on the latest IEEE 802.11 standards. 315–405 kHz and 1700–1800 kHz: For Short Range Devices
Update Your Company’s PIC Data in the SDPPI Postel Certification Account
The Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Informatics (SDPPI) once again reminds all companies to immediately update the Person-in-Charge (PIC) data in their respective certification accounts. This step aims to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the profile data recorded on the official SDPPI Postel certification website. What Information Needs to Be Updated? To keep your company’s profile accurate, update the following details: Email Address WhatsApp Number PIC Name PIC Job Title Profile Picture How to Update Your Company’s PIC Data? Updating your company’s PIC data is quick and straightforward. Follow these steps: Login to Your Postel
New Regulations for Telecommunication Testing Laboratories in Indonesia: PM 5 Tahun 2024
The Indonesian government has officially enforced the Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation No. 5 of 2024 or PM 5 Tahun 2024 on the Designation of Testing Laboratories for Telecommunication Devices. This regulation took effect on September 18, 2024, and applies to testing laboratories both in Indonesia and abroad that conduct testing for telecommunication devices. Designation of Testing Laboratories in Indonesia To ensure the quality and safety of telecommunication devices, all testing in Indonesia must now be conducted by laboratories that have been accredited and officially designated by Kominfo as Testing Laboratories (Balai Uji). These laboratories are classified into two categories: Domestic Testing Laboratories: Located within Indonesia,
Addition of Bands for LTE and 5G in the New Regulation Kepmen Kominfo No. 352 of 2024
The Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Arie Setiadi, has enacted the Ministerial Decree No. 352 of 2024. This regulation governs the technical standards for telecommunications devices and/or mobile telecommunication devices based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) and International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (5G) technology standards. Addition of Frequency for 5G NR: NR Operating Band: n28 Uplink (MHz): 703 MHz – 748 MHz Downlink (MHz): 758 MHz – 803 MHz Duplex Mode: FDD Addition of Frequency for LTE: E-UTRA Operating Band: 31 Uplink : 452,5 MHz – 457,5 MHz Downlink : 462,5 MHz – 467,5 MHz
Postel SDPPI Certification Requirements for Low-Power Devices (Children’s Toys)
The children’s toy industry has increasingly adopted telecommunication features like remote control and Bluetooth. These toys not only need to be safe for children but must also comply with regulations set by the Indonesian government. One of the key regulations is the Postel SDPPI certification requirement for low-power devices. Postel SDPPI Certification Requirements for Children’s Toys According to Article 7, Paragraph 4 of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation No. 3 of 2024, regarding the Certification of Telecommunication Equipment and/or Devices: Certificates for equipment and/or other devices with telecommunication features that use transmission power below 10 mW (milliWatt) and
Check Postel Certification for Items with These Specifications!
Certification is crucial when marketing telecommunication products in Indonesia. One mandatory certificate is the SDPPI Postel certificate. Items requiring SDPPI certification include those with telecommunication features such as Bluetooth, WLAN, NFC/SRD, or Cellular (GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G). So, does TWS (True Wireless Stereo) need certification? Yes, TWS must have an SDPPI certificate because it includes Bluetooth, one of the components that require testing. Items are not required to have certification if they do not have any of these features or only have a GPS receiver. Additionally, some items such as computers/PCs, network devices, switches, routers, and servers also need SDPPI
SAR Testing Requirements for Telecommunication Devices
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Ministerial Decree No. 177 of 2024, which regulates the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits for telecommunication devices. This regulation applies to mobile phones and tablet computers used in Indonesia. What is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)? Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measures the amount of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body when using telecommunication devices. This testing aims to ensure that these devices are safe and do not negatively impact the health of users. Regulation Update Ministerial Decree No. 177 of 2024 establishes new standards for SAR,
Update on Short Range Devices (SRD) Regulation
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Ministerial Decree No. 260 of 2024, which regulates the technical standards for Short Range Devices (SRD). This regulation replaces the previous Directorate General of Resources and Post and Informatics Equipment Regulation No. 161 of 2019, and introduces significant changes to the technical requirements for SRD devices in Indonesia. What are Short Range Devices (SRD)? Short Range Devices (SRD) refer to wireless telecommunication devices that operate within specific frequency ranges and have limited coverage. Common examples of SRD include Bluetooth devices, NFC, RFID, UWB, and others. Regulation
Radio Frequency Spectrum Violation Penalty
This socialization discusses administrative penalty sanctions for the improper use of radio frequencies in Indonesia. There are several regulations that can serve as references for operators of telecommunication devices in carrying out their operations, including: 3 Types of Radio Frequency Spectrum/Telecommunication Device Violations The imposition of administrative fines for violations of Radio Frequency Spectrum/Telecommunication Device misuse is classified into 3 types: The formula for calculating fines for SFR/APT misuse based on Presidential Regulation No. 43 of 2023 Articles 20-21 is as follows: FINE = VIOLATION POINTS x ADMINISTRATIVE FINE RATE Violation Points = Violation Index x Maximum Points x